Thoughts from Klemm

The Industry that teaches self hate

There is a secret dark vein of hate that most women have for themselves. It is always there in the back of our minds telling us that we are not the the beautiful normal. The horrible comparison demon we all face almost everyday if not many times a day. We are terrified to look in the mirror and embrace the amazing and perfect existence of human diversity, our diversity. It is no accident that over 91% of women hate their body in some way shape or form. It is no accident that instagram, Facebook, fashion magazines and Tiktok are infested with unrealistic body idealism. The industry of self hate is the beauty industry. THEY make so much damn money on getting us to hate our appearance. Do not get me wrong I too invest in collagen moisturizer and anti aging cream because aging is inevitable and I too try to defy the inevitable so I to am at fault for the success of the beauty industry.

What Is beauty? Beauty is really our perception of what beautiful. Now what if WE decided what beauty was to us and what if WE started with US as our own mascot? What if you woke up everyday with the mindset of “I am beautiful and I am Unique”.

Beauty is not universal. In many cultures it varies extremely. Droopy breasts and large vulvas and nipples are beautiful. If you have ever heard of “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” it is so true. And what if one day you opened your eyes and decided YOU were beautiful. The world would not freeze over, in fact you would be free. You would be on the same side of the fight this time.

Can we do this Yall ? can we?

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Aging in women is to be deemed not desirable and too divid women. To divide us from the old and the new. But the thing is women grow more powerful with time. Repeat that, WOMEN grow more powerful over time. As we evolved into modern day society and stepped away from the norms of the “house wife” we added more things to our plates. Not only is the modern woman expected to continue with house chores but also make a living, keep up with Pinterest AND look beautiful and to add be on the PTA and sports apps, kids parties and events. The idealism that women can DO IT ALL sets us up to believe that we never get help. So when us as women try something and fail its because we look at instagram and only see what we are shown. We do not see the struggles behind the fake lives we follow. I can not do what I do alone. I have a personal assistant who will literally tell me dates when my kids have a half day. I have my mother who helps me watch my children when I am gone. My support system is extremely large because I value my friendships. I am a mess many days and yes on social media I show a more picture worthy side of my life. I am 200% normal. I experience heartbreak and I am on my couch for days not eating or sleeping. When I get bullied on social media it turns my entire day upside down. I fail at so many things as a mother but with failure homes growth and I know I am not perfect but I am a great mother, friend, business woman and maybe even someday a wife.

Lets be kind to ourselves ladies…… we are all human.
