Mommas still got it...... family photos that is
Since I love what I do you would think I have a TON of photos of my kids. You are not wrong, but most of them are on my iPhone. The other day out of NOWHERE I messaged my friend Tara. Who is a client, NOW friend, and the bomb -dot-com. She manages a great spot that is huge in the fall. My kids do not realize the really cool things they sometimes get to experience. We were the ONLY people at this huge venue and we were driven around in a personal golf cart as I was able to catch up with a gal pal, photograph my kids (finally) and watch the sunset.
I have attempted to hire a few photographers this year and it has failed a few times. Nothing against them, things happen and I am def. understanding of that.
Believe it or not but I dread family photos just as much as you do !!!! Gosh it is so stressful. The outfit planning, the kids arguing and the pressure of making them behave for 10-30-40 mins we would be so lucky. I do have family photos scheduled in a few weeks that I will jump in on. BUUUTTTT in the mean time who can have too many photos of their children. My boys are 8-9-14 want to take a guess which one didn’t cooperate? my oldest….. it is just that time and phase in his life I guess….. and I am not ready for it especially as a single mom.
grumpy Austin
But this momma still hasn’t lost her touch when it comes to family photography….. these photos last no more than 15 mins because lets face it kids will listen to a stranger quicker than their parents when we want something. So here are my beautiful humans that I created from scratch…. enjoy =)
Again these kids have NO idea how lucky they are. It was a really great experience. Again thank you Tara you know why and to the G family for having such an amazing venue for families to visit.