Girl gang pool party

Your best gal pals, tropical food, fancy cocktails, music, floats oh MY OH MY! I was bored and it was a while since I photographed for fun. So I snagged some of my Costa Rica gals and extended the invite to a few others and boom we have a party!!.

About three weeks prior to this shoot we all brain stormed and came up with a few ideas. We knew we wanted food of course! And over the top floaties. My requirements was a positive attitude, fun sunglasses, hat and a themed item to eat.

I love how many of these gals did not know each other but came together for something random and fun. This took about 6 hours total but we were relaxing most of the time…… being amazing takes a long time =) and relaxation and cocktails were much needed. My main objective here was to capture raw laughter. Here is our pool party adventure:

Dream in color


Dream in color 〰️

ashley klemm