Finding Fire

Finding Fire …. again

I am the boudoir photographer who photographs women in their most intimate nature. While I am fully aware of the impact an image can make on a person  it still catches you off guard when you feel it for yourself.  I do this for a living. It shouldn’t be a shock to me on what phototherapy can do to a person.  But here I am on a Sunday morning, breaking out at almost 35 from stress, mom bun at its fullest craziness and my phone dings…..


Silvia :“Check your email “ with this image attached 

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Instant body high rolls over me like a tsunami. NO joke that is the closest most accurate way I can express how it felt when I saw this image of myself.

—— is this me—— I look absolutely beautiful but the best part is a FEEELLL amazing.

At this point I have not opened my email yet and I am crying in my car because I was driving when I opened the message. My knees are shaking with excitement and my Polish stern exterior is gleaming with the biggest smile like I just kissed a boy for the first time.

What I realized is that over the pandemic my fire had dwindled and I never addressed it. I never took the time to recognized I needed this session more than I let myself believe. On the outside I preach gratitude, self care and daily affirmations, but never addressed that I was deeply disconnected with myself.

When I opened that message and saw my FIRE I cried….. there it was….. my FIRE…. in my eyes and I cried….

If you think Starbucks and a channel bag make you feel powerful and unstoppable…. hunntyyyy getting images of yourself do not compare in value nor do they compare in impact on your soul. I promise to do this for myself every year. And seeing these images made me seriously high! High on life!

To Silvia and also Maddy: Your energy inspires me. It inspires me to soak in the beauty of life in its entirety. Your kindness and patience with my family has become memories I will never forget and always cherish. What you do for people is absolute magic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me my fire again.

Cheers to finding fire-

Ashley Klemm

Join us on our NEXT retreat and experience these photos for yourself ….. click the button below

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Check out her instagram and Insta-tour

Not only did I get my own shoot but my family came and joined in too


ashley klemm