The search for Ashley Klemm Brand Ambassadors!

Let’s face it, I can not do this alone, in fact there are so many of you behind the scenes that help me do what I do. From my mother and fiance who help me with child care during my shoots. Or my assistant and friend Rachel, who keeps me on my toes with all the details and todo’s I tend to forget. I owe so much to everyone behind the scenes that help make AKP run smoothly. I decided during quarantine that I finally had time to implement what is called an ambassador program which I will refer to as BA.

Applications went live for a week where the girls had time to thoughtfully respond to some deep questions. Many applied and did not finish, but the ones that did, it sure was lovely to read and hard to decide.

I ultimately looked at many things with a few other trusted people by my side. One being, do they fit the brand? How long have they been a member of the tribe? Are they active in the group? What could they offer other woman as part of the program?

I also asked if they had any passion projects or real life lessons we could blog about to help them in their journey to self love.

In the end, 6 gals were invited to be BA and I can not WAIT to share with you their story and growth over the next 6 months.

MY BA gals will be a part of 3 bi-monthly shoots, where we will shoot together but separate if that makes sense. They will be pampered and given 10 digital images per shoot along with many more perks. This is my first time ever BA program and plan to do this for another round in 6 months. WILL you be the next BA?